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WildNet Africa News Archive

Five Hundred Stranded Penguins Rescued from Algoa Oil Slick. (25 November, 1996)

Five hundred oil-drenched penguins were flown by helicopter from Bird Island to Perdevlei yesterday and later driven to the SAS Donkin, Port Elizabeth, in a rescue effort to save the birds. More than 1 000 birds were stranded on Bird Island, soaked in oil after the freighter Cordigiliera disgorged its cargo after sinking off Port St Johns last week. 'We have managed to tag and stabilise the majority of those we have, and we hope to start washing them soon.

'They are being kept in makeshift enclosures,' said oceanarium curator Robyn Greyling. He added an intensive care unit had been set up to treat the weakest birds. 'Experts from Cape Town have arrived to assist in Bird Island and the SAS Donkin, and we are waiting for a US-based International Bird Rescue Research specialist,' he said. Volunteers were preparing to collect the remaining oil-soaked penguins which would be flown to the city early next week. Food shortages for the birds added to the crisis, described as the worst environmental disaster to hit Algoa Bay.

It was estimated that if all 1 000 penguins ate half a kilogram of frozen pilchards each day over six weeks, it would cost up to R600 000. 'Without funds we are concerned about being unable to buy sufficient food supplies,' Mr Greyling said. The public and businesses have been asked for donations, which can be deposited in the Stranded Penguin Bank Plusplan, account number 083 650 385. Sapa. Courtesy of the Pretoria News.



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